Online Community JAZZunity

Crescendo JAZZunity

June 10 at 5 PM CET

If you’re a Jazz musician, you’ll especially love the upcoming JAZZunity Online meeting on Monday, June 10.

We would like to launch an online community of professional jazz musicians, where freedom, innovation, harmony, and listening are key values. Do you want to be part of such a community?

On this first occasion we will have as speaker Joan Minor on Freedom of Jazz Musicians and we will explore hallmarks in jazz such as: improvisation, syncopation, and jazz freedom related to our Christian journey. What relationship, if any, is there between our “freedom in Christ” and our freedom and improvisation on the band-stand? Is Jesus jazzy?

Let’s talk about it, let’s inspire and support one another!
Tell your friends!

Zoom link:

More info via


Juni 10 2024


17:00 - 18:00


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